Natural Eye Care Pack is a set of natural organic products in a package that contains all the right nutrients and vitamins needed by the eye for optima eye sight, this product package works perfectly for general eye problems and helps to maintain good vision. Natural Eye Care Pack will help you to see through the future. Natural Eye Care for Cataracts and Glaucoma Eyes aren’t exempt from the wear and tear of aging. Some of the age-related changes in the eyes are annoying but not serious — for example, it can become difficult to focus on near objects, and eyelashes may thin out a bit. But other changes can threaten vision. Natural Eye Care Pack Warning Signs of Serious Eye Problems That causes Cataracts & Glaucoma With age, the eyes’ ability to stay lubricated starts to wane. This can leave eyes feeling irritated, sticky, dry, or gritty. The lens of the eye can become less elastic. Night vision may also start to suffer, which can pose problems when driving at night. In c...